I am about at my wits end with DS6 and have no real idea of where to go from here...I need help! I thought you might be a good group to come to as, even though the issues we are having are not by any means limited to the gifted community, I think a lot of it stems from his intellectual ability.

No one wants to think of these words in relation to their child but I am finding that, unfortunately, some of these seem to be becoming fact. These words are lazy, cheat, liar, and braggart. DS6 has always been ahead and many people have commented on it. He is very well aware of this fact and is constantly making other people aware of this fact. In class he'll not only give the right answer but then brag to the other kids who did not give the right answer, or give the right answer quick enough, about how he was first or best. I often feel like he is trying to bolster himself up at the expense of putting others down. He cuts any corner he can, writing a shortened version of his name, not running around the full perimeter but coming inside, only half does exercises, not going to the end but turning around early so he can be first to finish. He takes these shortcuts and then lies/brags about how he got done first, how he did more than anyone else. He will cheat at any game he can find a way to if he thinks he can get away with it. He will not willing do anything that will take effort or commitment, something that he is not already good at.

How do you instill integrity in your children?