Or it could be a lack of motivation. DD can be that way. But when I put her in the science class at the museum, she was curious and interested. She can memorize very easily, get bored with books that are series based, (after the 3rd Children of the Lamp --"the plot is the same")
I think you have to push for good habits, find something they will work for or you will get underachievement. I have a similar kid so I am preaching my own situation. Things come too easily. And she wants to play or watch Disney sitcoms reruns.
Hence, I started the acting. She has two TV auditions this week, she has to memorize the lines, act professionally at the auditions and figure out how to do the scenes. Take direction if they ask her. I don't care if she gets the roles, but she chose this, she has to apply herself. She applies herself because she wants it bad enough. I saw her do that at the National ballet audition. I thought "where is my kid?" Find something she will work for.