Thank you all for replying. I apologize for getting back so late to this thread. I should have waited until we got back from our long vacation in Asia visiting grand parents.
You have confirmed what I had feared. I don't think DS will do well travelling just before testing. He is a anxious kid and travel would just add to his nervousness.

Thanks KADmom.

Dbat, he does have anxiety issues which we have ignored all these years since it was not disrupting his life. This was another reason why we decided to go the testing route. He also has vision issues which went from just needing higher power glasses to "he might have a clot at the back of his eye" level of scary at his last checkup. That has been ruled out for now but we are planning on getting him to a Pediatric eye specialist at Duke next month. So there is a possibility of 2e.

Shannon, you are right he is already qualified for the WCPSS AG program - he was called "very strong" in both Math and Language Arts. But he is not in a Magnet school so the AG part just involved 45 mins of pull out twice a week.
Maybe we need to plan our next vacation to Charlotte and sneak in a testing then. Thanks for all the input.