Thanks for all the good feedback. One, I know parents do not like to leave their zoned school because they are pretty good in this district. The one that opted to create a gifted class is really good.

The one that previous had the only designated class is on the outskirts of the district, had worse scores, in part due to the special ed, but in general parents are pretty favorable and elementary runs k-6 and then for middle, kids end up at this particular school. So many kids in the whole district end up there for middle. So it is not a small school but the gifted program is not big. I cannot find out all the answers until next week since the schools are still closed for summer.

But since the principal who had the original gifted program and thought she might have enough numbers to open a second class, may be negotiable to do the skip. Apparently in my research through a gifted board (ABC Ontario) the principal actually has discretion if the child comes from an international school or private. Some parent negotiated a skip for her child in the TDSB through the principal coming from a private school where she was skipped. And somehow it goes through this international department where curriculum in different countries will be different.