DD is 7 1/2 and just started the G&T class a few weeks ago. So far she is generally happy to go to school and doesn't complain about going. So far so good and fingers crossed that it continues.

The problem is she really has no friends and I can't quite honestly figure out what the problem is. Last year she'd play by herself or walk around and talk with the recess monitor. She also told us she ate lunch by herself and once kids even asked her to move. She also told me that she had kids telling her she was stupid. frown None of this seemed to really bother her.

So this year she seemed to be doing a little better and bonded for a few days with another little girl whose mom told me she was having a rough time adjusting. I told this to dd and they started playing together. That lasted about 2 days when this little girl started playing with another little girl instead of dd and dd proclaimed she was "independent again". She is just matter of fact about it and I can't tell if she really could care less or if she's trying to save face. Honestly, if she doesn't really want friends I'm fine with it but I have a hard time reading my dd and so I can't tell which it is.

My older dd is a social butterfly (always has been) and has so many friends, I can't understand why my younger dd struggles so much. Older dd who is 10 has actually come to me worried about how dd doesn't have friends.

Another thought that came to mind, we just found out that there is yet another birthday party dd hasn't been invited to. Last year she was only invited to two.

I know she isn't a bully, she's very quiet and introverted and seems to be okay playing by herself. I can't understand why she is having such a hard time. Should I intervene or just let younger dd find her way by herself?

Oh, and a few days ago a 3rd grader in her class actually pushed dd on her chest and we had to have a talk about this and what to do if it happens again. It just makes me sad that she doesn't seem to fit in. frown