I was just wondering.. how much time do you spend playing with your toddler? And how involved do you get? Especially interested to hear from stay at home moms.
My DD just turned 3. She has always been great for playing on her own, then when she gets bored or wants some cuddles we do an activity together, but lately, i admit i really don't play with her. I kind of oversee her coloring or set up some craft, but then drift off to chores or something. We do bake together and do outdoorsy stuff together and shes probably spoilt with outings atm.
However just in the last week, her daddy has been playing with her before work, and although its brilliant, she then starts the day grumpy that he has gone and has started asking me to play. High energy imagination games first thing in the morning is just boring for me (as terrible as that sounds)!! Plus there have been times i start to play, but then she expects me to play that same game for the whole day.. Is it all just part of motherhood? Just wondering what you all do?