We met with our tester. We have great confidence with her. She suspects 2e but said the scores don't tell a complete picture here. I posted on testing thread and am posting here for 'next steps' advice. I'll copy scores at the end of this post, as well.

The suspicion is stealth dyslexia...phonics testing did not confirm. He fits profile, somewhat...hard to tell...hence the stealthiness of it wink.

The Plan:
1) The thought is we use this year (first grade) to remediate--privately and not share results with the school. She suggested we get a private tutor for reading and writing and tutoring method not as important as frequency of focus. I'm trying my best to find a qualified private tutor but seems to be a crap shoot. Any advice?

2) Also frequency? She said 1-2 times a week....but at $50 an hour and the sessions are 2 hours...I may be only able to swing 1xs a week. But I don't want to short change him...I just want to ensure he can also do other things for enjoyment and enrichment!

3) Hopefully he will get into the one-day a week gifted program at his school and that will cover enrichment outside of lego robotics and weekend excursions.

4) If remediation doesn't yield a big jump in achievement this time next year we are on to adding accommodations as well and clearly involving the school.

Thoughts on the above as a game plan?

The Scores:

We have scores. We have scatter. We had an awesome tester, and even though achievement doesn't hit mark she suggested we still apply. Any thoughts on scores and application appreciated. A LD is suspected. phonics scores though do not confirm one...hmmm. Child is 6.7 years

VCI 166
Similarities 21
Vocab 20
Comprehension 21
Information 20
Word reasoning 19

PRI 148
Block Design 16
Picture concepts 16
Matrix Reasoning 22

WMI 129
Digit Span 13
letter-number sequencing 17

PSI 97
Coding 10
symbol Search 9
Cancellation 8

GAI 170

Overall 123
Everything in similar range...
Spelling 109 was lowest
Calculation 138 was highest

CTOPP for Phonics Screening (due to gap in Achievement scores)
All average to above average...
Phonological awareness. 132
Phonological Memory 118
Rapid Naming 112