Originally Posted by squishys
Slightly off topic...is acceleration better in the younger years? I imagine it being a bigger leap from grade 5 to 7, rather than grade 1 to 3. Or does it make little difference?

Middle school, it's hard socially (just as moving is).

High school is hard BOTH socially and also in that you need all of those years for college prep/planning-- the timeline runs from late 9th through to spring of 12th in terms of the things that need to happen if you're planning to apply to any elite colleges.

So no, it's not that socially or academically it's necessarily better at the elementary level, but that there are good pragmatic reasons why it's hard in high school.

DD skipped K through 2, effectively, by being homeschooled for kindy.

She then accelerated by compacting 4th-5th in a single year, though we didn't finish formalizing this arrangement until she was in 9th grade, at which point she moved from 9th to 11th (skipped 10th) at the conclusion of that academic year. If you plan to skip a child older than elementary, you need at least 6-8 months to make sure that all of your i's are dotted and t's are crossed for extracurriculars, for sports, etc. etc.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.