Would you mind posting your subtest scores? With scatter like this, it is usually helpful to look at how the subtest scores vary and consider what each specific test is measuring, then relate it back to what you experience in terms of strengths and challenges. Did the psych who administered the IQ testing administer any other tests? Most of us who are parenting 2e children with similar type of scatter in scores have found neuropsych testing helpful - the neuropsychs typically administer additional testing to determine the reasons behind scatter in the scores - for instance, a slow score on a processing speed subtest could be due to fine motor neurology, or could be due to a visual processing issue. Executive functioning tests are usually included which can help tease out the root issues behind symptoms such as challenges with organization and attention etc. If you had any other tests included, you could list those results here (if you're comfortable doing so) and we might be able to help decipher what's up. Ultimately, it helps the most to have a good psych who is interested in helping you understand what the scores mean - it's too bad your psych wasn't more helpful.

Best wishes,
