Originally Posted by WhatMom
Hi. I've been reading this site for a while but finally need to jump in for some advice. Ds6 was accepted to DYS back in May while we were working with his school to figure out placement for this coming year. He will be jumping from K to 3rd and as the start of school approaches I am beginning to worry over gaps that he is going to face. For example today he was looking at a workbook and had to ask me what plural meant.

I'm worried about other gaps like this and if they will be stumbling blocks. Any body have experience with a double grade skip and have advice?

We did this with our DD.

It will probably make you feel better if you (prior to placement in the coming year) go over some scope-and-sequence for 1st and 2nd from your local district. That way, you will know if there are any BIG gaps.

You could even do what we did-- have your ds take an achievement battery for, say, 2nd grade. We were a LOT more comfortable with DD being a 3rd grader after we did that, because she 99-ed all of the subsections. So she didn't really have any big gaps. She had a few things like the one you mention-- but those are just a missing definition, not a lack of understanding for a major curriculum component (like "fractions" or "suffixes" or something).

LOL-- the tally marks. Oh my. Well, it took DD until she was almost 13. (Doctor Who, by the way.)

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.