For the past 2 years we have taken DS to the annual meeting of a local conservation organization. They have panels on wildlife, water quality, endangered species, and public policy with real experts often with differing opinions discussing the current issues. In the afternoon they have field trips for small groups led by the experts. The program is definitely for grown ups but is kid friendly. DS (age 11 last year and 12 this year) sat through almost every presentation and even asked questions during the QandA periods.

Wildlife biology is a passion of his and finding this group has been wonderful for him. At the meeting this year, he was even offered the chance to come and help one of the local field workers for couple days this summer.

This has been such a huge success for us, I wanted to encourage other parents to keep an eye out for opportunities such as this that are the "real thing" not just more school. DS is often squirmy when in school, but because he could tell this was important and fun for him, he paid full attention and even took a few pages of notes (something he never does in school).

Have other parents done this same kind of thing? Are there other groups that you recommend we keep our eyes out for?