It's been a roller coaster ride but I finally got a call a couple weeks ago that my DS got a spot at the local public gifted school. I had to appeal twice. The first appeal got him on the waiting list. The second appeal did not give him a permanent spot. I was pretty much sure they wouldn't offer him a spot if there were any openings over the summer. Thankfully, I was wrong. I am so very hopeful that this school (combined with the VT and OT) will really open up my son's world. The admin and teachers seem to really understand gifted kids - whether or not they "get" my quirky 99th percentiler remains to be seen but this is probably the best option we have in the area.

He starts VT in August and has been doing OT for a few weeks. I didn't realize there was supposed to be so much OT work at home and I have struggled with getting it done due to craziness of selling a house, moving, and buying a new house this summer.

Anyway, I'll update some more once school and VT get going.

Mom to 2 kiddos - DS 9 with SPD and visual processing issues and DD 6 who is NT