I partial homeschooled for half a year. I just said what is the class he would be put in doing after lunch (he had eating issues so I wanted him to eat at home).

So I homeschooled him before lunch and then dropped him off and he attended for the last part of the day.

The only glitch we came across is that in elementary sometimes the classes aren't held to a specific time period. Even though they might have social studies in the afternoon, she might give the kids time to work on the social studies essay in the morning during language arts. Or they have science class in the afternoon BUT the science lab times are assigned by the science lab assistant and their class gets their time in the morning so then they move math on science lab day to the afternoon (and he was doing math at home with me and not on the same skill as them).

Eh, it worked as everyone was flexible and we were happy with the arrangement but eventually he went back full time to school.

I do see my younger son homeschooling in middle school and then partial homeschooling, partial virtual schooling and partial brick and mortar public schooling in high school. It will probably be the only way to meet his needs until he is 16 and can dual enroll in college.

...reading is pleasure, not just something teachers make you do in school.~B. Cleary