Qualifying for DYS is important only if you feel you will be needing advocacy assistance with your schools -- if not, it really doesn't gain you anything. We did it just in case, and have never needed anything from the consultants, so it just sits there.

I would hazard a guess that he will likely make qualifying scores after getting a little school under his belt -- he's very close in several places already. That's essentially the difference of a question or two. It could have been a matter of what he ate for breakfast or whether his shoe was bothering him or something.

Whether to skip depends on a lot of stuff you haven't mentioned -- do you feel he does better with older kids, for example? How does he like preschool? How is he socially, emotionally, academically? My DS skipped kindergarten (they wouldn't let him skip *into* kindergarten, but they skipped him *over* it) and it was fine -- he had a lot of social issues due to Asperger's, but he would have had them worse in kindergarten, most likely. He does better with older kids. He's skipping again for this year, now into 7th. You may be looking at more skipping down the road, or other accelerations, and that's where the DYS consultants may come in handy for you, depending on the school.