I think it is great that they are trying to raise awareness about 2e issues. I think the bigger issue in the long run is how to make our education system work for these kids. Webb made one comment about accelerating in one area while remediating another. Our school doesn't have things set up that way. There is very little flexibility. They will need to change their mindset about what a gifted kid looks like. I would love it if they would start talking about how to better identify and serve these kids.

My 2e kid is in a GT classroom but I think that it is not a great fit with her dyslexia/dysgraphia. Trying to keep up with kids who are gifted and procient writers has been a challenge for her. When she has that beautiful combination of interest, motivation and lack of other stress, she can look like one of them and the teachers believe those 3 sigma IQ scores. When she doesn't, she seems like a fish out of water. You never know which version of this kid you are going to get on any given day. At the same time, she wouldn't fit in a regular classrroom at all. Sigh.