Wow! I was so happy to see your post. Your student and his parents are so fortunate to have a teacher like you working with him! As Dbat said you are indeed worth your weight in gold.

I suggest taking a look at the book "101 School Success Tools for Smart Kids with Learning Difficulties" from Prufrock Press. We bought copies last year for our daughter's first grade teacher and special ed teacher. It can give you some very practical ideas on how to present material or frame assignments that may work better for him. When we first started on our 2E journey DH and I spoke with one of the authors who runs the largest public 2E program in the USA located in Montgomery County, Maryland. She was very helpful and I can only guess she would be happy to speak to you as well.

On behalf of all 2E parents - thank you. My DD has been diagnosed with all the LD issues you list and it is quite the challenge. I hope we will be lucky enough to find someone as supportive as you!