Do you have any childcare help? That would be my first suggestion. I couldn't get through my week without some time to myself, and with two HIGHLY actve kids, I'd never get time alone without someone to watch them.

Is there anything she loves to do that she could lose herself in without needing your attention? Even something you don't normally allow (computer time?) might be okay in small doses if you can use it as a tool to help your day work for you. Perhaps as a reward for her doing something independently?

Projects that are hers alone are ideal. Artwork, puzzles, books, playing outside, anything she can do mostly alone, with just a little help or encouragement from you, are good. That way you have the energy to help her on the stuff for which she really needs you.

At her age, it's okay if she spends much of her day playing. Try to give her the tools and supplies she needs to make her play independent and imaginative or educational in some form. But it's perfectly okay if most of a 4yo's day is spent in play. (As long as you don't have to spend all day playing with her!)

So aside from tired--and I *so* hear you on that, sister!--how are you feeling about it?
