We have 2 Developmental Optometrists who are ready to advocate that our son needs a 504 for his vision issues (Convergence Insufficiency, poor eye teaming skills/exophoria, poor focusing ability/accommodative insufficiency, and oculomotor delays). Both noted gross and fine motor delays and retained primitive reflexes as well of motor planning issues.

We also have diagnoses of ADHD and an Anxiety disorder with our Neuro Psychiatrist who would work with us on a 504 as well. We will be getting an OT eval for sensory issues and the above mentioned delays later this month. Our DS is 6 and will be taking accelerated curriculum based on his readiness for new material in the Fall which is a first for his school and is being done as a bit of a test case.

So I keep hearing he NEEDS a 504.... but how do I start this and can I put the wheels in motion in the summer before school starts? Where can I read more about the process? I searched here and couldn't find what I was looking for.