Originally Posted by Mamabear
I have offered to take them to her OG appointments...of course they think she doesn't need OG because she can read. They are SO ignorant about dyslexia to begin with that it's hard to know where to start! She can't spell, cannot write legibly. math (actually writing it out and memorization of facts) is awful, though she can do it well with a calculator and if she can explain it orally rather than trying to write it.

We are told that if she would just use her comprehension skills on these issues, she could make progress on them. So, I got snarky...NOT a good way to handle it but I was frustrated! I asked why they had not gotten the kid in the wheelchair to walk?! He has legs, he sees other kids walking, he comprehends what they are doing, Why can't he use his cognitive ability to make progress on that skill?! .... I was told that was comparing apples to oranges... I let it go at that point.

Oh Mamabear I feel your pain. Really and truly.
