"...so he can put it down on his college applications."

This is really not a good idea. I am a Mensa member, by the way. And have a kid who just got into every college she applied to, including top colleges (kid is not a Mensa member, but could have joined if she wanted to). Unless your kid was really active in some way in Mensa (serving on a board, organizing activities, etc.) I think it just comes of as sort of a brag about IQ vs. an accomplishment of any kind. You kid likely will have plenty of other things to put on their college application, this really isn't something that people usually put on even if they are members. If you want to encourage him to join Mensa to meet other smart people and have fun with them, that is a great idea. But don't do it as a resume builder... it isn't really seen that way in the college admissions world.