Looking for anyone else that might have explored this scenario:

Our DS7 skipped last Fall from 1st to 2nd grade. Overall- the move was a BIG improvement. He did not get "challenged," however his writing ability quickly rose to high 2nd grade expectations and his reading and math skills had more room to expand.

We still encounter school "miseries" about boredom and social issues that come from being different than your average kid. We've been taking him to a psychologist 1 a week - mainly to give him an outlet to constructively express his frustrations and work on social skills he will need to get along in any environment. (he does not have any diagnosed 2E issues - just hypersensitivity in over stimulating environments and perfectionism)

So here's the idea. He is now technically a year ahead according to his age. Looking ahead at next year's math curriculum and reading curriculum, very little would be new or present a challenge. Would it be possible to just take the year off and focus on learning the things that currently excite and challenge him?

For example- he takes cello lessons and wants to start piano lessons. Add that to karate (which he also loves) and we have a crazy schedule once you throw school into the mix. He could make amazing leaps and bounds musically if he had the time to concentrate on learning theory and have more practice time. But "school" gets in the way.

I could easily keep him learning math with Dreambox and Life of Fred books, pick some literature and critical reading concepts, and keep him writing. I doubt he would loose any ground- would that be a reasonable response to lack of adequate challenge in the public schools? Or would that just set us up for school problems down the road?

Just feeling out the idea- I'm tired of worrying if he is wasting time in school and also a bit tired of advocating.