CFK, I'm surprised. Both our testers (two different ones!) led me to believe that it's pretty standard for the SB to take longer than the WISC. Since the SB was a good two hours+ longer--we had to break for lunch and come back to finish it!--and the WISC took only an hour total, I didn't really question them about it.

Interesting. Maybe it's more dependent upon the tester than I was led to believe? Hmmm...

Anyway, I got a lot out of the WISC, but I agree that the achievement test was more earth-shattering for us. It's what told me that DS was potentially a DYS candidate. The WISC showed me some bottlenecks to watch out for, and I'd not seen those before. But the achievement test (Woodcock-Johnson III for us) changed the way we approached education for our son.
