DD11's spring MAP scores just came in. She's at 164 264 - a 20-point jump from her winter score - with no particular supplementation at home, and 5th grade Singapore Math at school.

Does anyone know if MAP math scores actually reflect curriculum content in middle/high school math? Does this mean that she actually knows Alg I, since she's above 90th percentile for end-of-course scores, or does it mean she knows general math as well as someone finishing Alg I?

We were planning to let her slide into our public middle's advanced option, which means doing pre/post tests on 6th grade material, and lectures/homework on 7th grade material during the units she tests out of. This would fill any gaps she has (we know they existed a couple months ago!) and set her up for honors Alg I in 7th, then Geo/AlgII in 8th. It would let her be in a class with her own grade all the way through high school, which she would prefer.

Based on this score, is this plan a mistake?

I realize it's one number, from one test, on one day. It's just a startling number.

Last edited by ljoy; 06/03/13 03:28 PM. Reason: correct score typo