Last week, I took my boy to get a test. The doctor did not do IQ test, because my boy is only 4 and half year old. The Doc believed that IQ test is not accurate prior to 6 years old.

The doctor, nevertheless, did the achievement test. After the test, he commented that the boy is profoundly gifted .
He read some books and then was questioned by the doctor.

He did some math. He came up his own ways to solve problems.

What I want to whine is that the local public and charter schools still do net accept him to the kindergarten this coming fall because he is one month behind the school cut-off date (Aug/31) even with the Doc's evaluation.

I cannot afford to let him to go to the only private school that will accept him, because it costs $ 18,000/year.
Home schooling is not an option. Last year I was worried the problem will come up this year, now I am facing it and still have no solutions.

Last edited by Myfav; 06/01/13 01:45 AM.