DD constantly surprises us and others with her deep thoughts, or wisdom about situations and life in general. I thought we could start a thread with some of these that our kids say that leaves us speechless or with chills.

These are all from dd who turned 6 recently and were spoken in the last few months.

Yesterday while looking standing with her arms outstreatched in the solitude of an empty beach, her arms outstretched and the surf breaking against her boots she says...
"The world is far from perfection, but this is all I've ever dreamed of on earth"

Last week when she blew out a candle.
"You know what the candle reminds me of? The flame is like Jesus and when we blow it out, it is like when he died on the cross. The smoke is his glory and it still goes on after it is blown out."

And a few weeks ago out of no where. (A little back story, my father who passed away when she was 6 months old was not a very nice person to my mom or myself, a lot stems from his own childhood. Although I have never said this to dd, just that he was not very nice sometimes)
"You know I don't think you dad meant to be a mean person. Sometimes people just can't help themselves because they are hurting so much. I think inside he was good, and that's very sad."

Truly, sometimes her insight and deep thoughts blow me away. Amazing what big thoughts can come out of such a small little person.

Homeschooling on a remote island at the edge of the world.