We have endured many months of frustration with DS's school, some of which I have posted about here. The school did their comprehensive evaluation, moved him around for some classes, moved him around some more when those didn't work out, said they would accelerate him next year, back-pedaled and said they wouldn't, and so on. Meanwhile DS kept getting in trouble, and continued to dislike school. We knew it wasn't a good fit. The school knew it wasn't a good fit.

Yesterday was his last day, and we are officially homeschooling now!

I know it seems kind of strange to leave school so close to the end (there are about 3 weeks left), but there just didn't seem to be any point in continuing to force him to be there.

I am a tiny bit sad, but I'm not even sure why. DS is clearly very happy about it. I guess because I really wanted school to work, and we tried, unsuccessfully, all year. I am trying not to see this as a failure, but rather as a success, because we will move on to bigger and better things. At least I hope so!