My suggestion would vary depending on your religious persuasion and how much you want to make the investigation about religion.

We're Catholics, and one of the aspects I love about Catholicism is its scholarly tradition, so I'd see if the local parish had any discussion series open to the public. (I can't speak to resources available within other denominations.) Our parish is colocated with a university teaching arm, so we have some wonderful, erudite speakers leading the discussion series.

Because philosophy is so tied up with religion for a family like ours (per my screen name), these are discussions we have around the dinner table all the time. A favourite author of mine, Thomas Merton, a Trappist Monk, has written some lovely, short meditations that might be a good starting point. You could try "The New Seeds of Contemplation", if my leanings suit your taste. Simplified synopses of the writings of the Doctors of the Church, like Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine, are also wonderful, timeless resources.

What is to give light must endure burning.