We've done lots of audiobooks. They also help with learning to hear the meter of a sentence. I have a child who evidently goes from text to understanding without "hearing" the language as she reads. This lead to significant writing problems.

For the younger set, we enjoyed

Freckle Juice, Judy Blume
Henry and Ribsy, Beverly Cleary
Charlotte's Web, E.B. White
The Trumpet of the Swan, E.B. White
Stewart Little, E.B. White
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, Kate DiCamillo
Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, Robert C. O'Brien
The Mouse and the Motorcycle, Beverly Cleary
The Penderwicks, Jeanne Birdsall
The Tale of Despereaux, Kate DiCamillo
A Cricket in Time Square, George Selden
The Railway Children, Edith Nesbit
Centerburg Tales and More Centerburg Tales, Robert McClausky
A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens
Cheaper by the Dozen, Frank and Ernestine Gilbreth

All were available from the public library on CD.