So, DS 7 is in a GT magnet. He is HG+. DS 5 did not pass the entrance test. We are waiting to hear about a sibling transfer to the school (which is not entirely GT, but to which we are not zoned). Won't know until June.

We are not open to sending DS5 to the zoned public school, because of it's academic standards, among other reasons.

We've applied to a nearby private/Catholic school for DS5 and he's been accepted.

I should add that we were very surprised DS5 did not pass the GT test. He is extremely advanced in math...has done multiplication and division in his head since he was four and routinely beats DS7 at getting the answer in two digit addition and subraction. Makes up story problems while we are on the I'm also worried the private school won't meet his needs academically, since they have been open about catering to the middle.

At any rate, I'm starting to wonder what the pshychological impact might be on both kids if they are in different schools next year.

The only GT accomodations available at the Catholic school would be acceleration but they seem open to that, at least hypothetically.

We are Catholic and the Catholic school is small and has a nice cozy 1950's kind of atmosphere, so I can imagine DS7 being a little envious of DS5 getting to participate in that.

So, as I ramble on, the question is this: Do I keep both kids at the same school no matter what, meaning if we don't get the transfer to DS7's school I pull him and put him in with his brother?


Is it better for each child to attend a different school, and hope that each will find his niche and be happy?

Let's pretend cost is not a factor for the sake of the argument.

Thanks for your advice,
