Originally Posted by Nbpoirier
Thanks all! Thought I replied but don't see my response. I think he is introverted particularly in large groups. According to him, he is not shy in either class and speaks up and has equal friends. According to his K teacher, he is shy and doesn't always answer (when he knows it). According to his PreK teacher he loves Prek because it is easy and fun and he often just gets to play.

I guess the risk is not knowing whether is introversion is the result of not wanting to appear a know-it-all, his perfectionism and fear of being wrong manifesting, an age-related thing, or the result of him feeling different ... Or just who he is. I gess that is my fear - that he would grow out of it and thrive better of given subject matter acceleration while remaining in k among age mates.

My greatest concern with skipping is that he won't thrive socially and will feel inadequate in sports and playing with boys, especially with the huge red shirting trend here. As much as we, as parents, would do our best to help him in these areas, peers and social pressure could be a lot.

So far every educator I have asked says it is best for development if he stays with his age mates and just gets subject matter acceleration. It sounds like the concern is often social issues in later years (being the last to hit puberty, last to
Drive impacting dating and social life, size impacting sports etc). While I can see that side, it is not the only side...

If only I had that crystal ball, right?!?
I would check out the research here: http://www.accelerationinstitute.org/Research/Default.aspx

and also all of the stories that have been shared re: positive acceleration experiences.

Athletics aren't my dd's thing, but I know that can be a factor to consider. Good luck!