LD or 2e issues may or may not be met at Sudbury-type schools. A lot depends on the staff and how they address it (or don't). Do they have OT to address pencil grip issues for instance or are trained in it?

I know my 2e ds7 was told to wear velcro shoes at the Montessori-type gifted school for kindy. They wanted ds7 to be more independent and didn't want to deal with the hassle of shoelaces. Well, this is fine and dandy except ds7 is hypotonish (low muscle tone) and has dyspraxia (motor planning) and fine motor delays. Yes, he could spend learn how to tie his shoelaces at home, but I do think the peer pressure would have been more of an incentive to learn.

Before you shell out money, I would ask a ton of questions. For a start, I would find out how much money would be refunded if the school doesn't work out. What happens if it's not a good fit?