Thanks KADmom. I'm just feeling so sad and angry this morning. My husband is away on a fishing trip, so not being able to really connect on this with him makes it feel even worse. Ugh!

I do think that his third grade teacher's negativity has seeped its way into her conversations. He feels like he is expected to perform at a level that isn't clear to him. He doesn't always give 100% because things have been so easy and not required it, but when asked to, when challenged, he always rises to the occasion. I think that is my biggest frustration. I wish I could make it clear to his third grade teacher that the issue isn't necessarily with him (and don't worry, I'm not confused enough to think he's perfect by the long-shot wink ), but with her lack of direction, differentiation, and inspiration.

As a teacher, I definitely expect my students to perform at the top of their ability, however I also realize that it requires the opportunity and expectation from me to do so. That is OUR JOB!!!!! If a teacher can't inspire, what good is she? Anyone can hand out a worksheet . . . that isn't teaching and completing them isn't learning.

I hate to sound so mean, but I'm so frustrated. frown

Thanks again for your thoughts. Summer is just around the corner, and I'm looking forward to our time together and even his year next year, which has got to be better, right?!