I'd advise caution re: Sherman Alexie-- definitely prescreen since some of his work is quite graphic. Also in that category-- Neil Gaiman. My entire family loves Gaiman's stylish prose and quirky take on things.

I also agree with ultramarina, though, that this is an age at which I defer to what makes my DD uncomfortable in terms of content. I'm not sheltering her as a reader at this point. I mean, nooooooo, I am not bringing home 50 Shades for her, but she has read Mary McGarry Morris novels and some of Sherman Alexie's work.

In addition to the excellent suggestions ultramarina listed, I'll add Rosalind Franklin: Dark Lady of DNA. This one is searing in the same way that Henrietta Lacks and All the Presidents Men is-- it really hits that justice button hard, for gifties that have that particular trait.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.