Yes, we are deliberate in celebrating "the hard work" rather than the grade, but when most of the grades are As (he's had 3 Bs in his whole school experience and they averaged out to As at the end of the year anyway) I suppose praising the hard work may be a bit silly--particularly when he only really works hard in one subject.

"What is your son's strongest PASSION? That is where he most NEEDS appropriate instruction. What did the director mean by "more of the same?" Presumably the entire curriculum isn't leveled readers and worksheets, no? So maybe he needs to be accelerated to his actual readiness level, not just "one year" to throw you a bone. KWIM?

This is what my gut is saying. I want to support him in his passion. He loves reading, writing, science, etc. Math is not his passion. Some of this is because of his perfectionist/speed issues, and some of this is from lack of self-faith in ability.

Last edited by KADmom; 05/14/13 08:46 AM.