So i just about had enough with the school . This morning they called again , home phone to my cellphone , wanting me to call them back . They can't even be consistent with what we've discussed on our conference about a month or so ago . DS still gets delayed consequences . ( for example , getting orange today at school , then he will lose recess the next day ) That was just one of the example ..

After getting calls so many times the past few months , i've had enough . I am at the point where i don't want to answer the call when i see their numbers .
DH has been talking about homeschool will be a better choice for DS . Less stress for everyone , and the most important thing DS will get what he needs educational wise . He will learn new things if we homeschool him , and he won't lose his self esteem .. he won't feel like why is he different and he doesn't have to deal with teacher who turned this whole year to be a horrible school experience .

Kindergarten and 1st grade was a good school experience , this year , not so much , how many times DS said how much he dislikes his teacher .

My question is .. there's only 2 more weeks of school left , is it wise for me to pull him out ? DH thinks that if i am at that point .. i can just pull him out . But he thinks that just ignore the calls and let him go through this 2 weeks and it'll be done with . I know ignoring calls from them is bad too .. but what would you do ?

Thank you .