Ugh. I think dd12/7th grade just got a zero on a heavily weighted writing assignment in language arts. Her grade was suddenly much lower and, in the place where it would normally say the number of points received, there is a Z. It was a science fiction/fantasy novel(la). She wrote it about a time-traveling piano that takes the main character back to different events in the Civil Rights movement. So I can only guess that possibly it wasn't science fictioniny enough? I think dd thought the time travel aspect fit the assignment. I would think if there certain elements required dd would have included them, she has great attention to detail.

She has had straight As all year, and was very excited to close the year with straight As. To think that 2 weeks before school is out, and on an assignment that she worked her butt off on and was proud of, she could get a zero that would leave her without an A in her favorite subject would be very upsetting to her.

The teacher just got her PhD and wrote her thesis on perfectionism in gifted kids so I know she has a clue, and dd really likes her.

I feel stupid when we have just had the helicopter parent discussion, I really am not one, and dd has handled the majority of communication with her teachers, but I sent an e-mail asking for clarification.

I just know if she got a zero when that paper gets handed back she will be devastated. And then cry in front of the class. And them be embarassed for crying.

Just feeling bad for dd. And honestly...I think it must have been a failure to clearly communicate the requirements of the assignment. It may not seem like a big deal but it will be a very big deal to her.