
Such challenges you are having! It sounds like you have resources to help you discern what is going on, and that is wonderful. That isn't always the case. As for what is going on with your daughter, others have already pointed out that what you described is similar to characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Continue to be patient.

My daughter is 13 and our girls have similar interests - anime and drawing. I wish we could get them together. You are right - it's difficult for them to find peers with similar interests! Honestly, I "get" it though, as anime story lines are complex and dynamic. What are their other options? Justin Bieber and Wizards of Waverly Place? If our girls were in Japan or even if they were just boys...they'd likely have more peers with similar interests.

As for ASD, it's been brought up as possible for my girl, although she has not been diagnosed as such. We are addressing her social difficulties through therapy at this point and by just being aware and supporting her in social settings.

There are some good discussions on this if you do a search in the forums about Aspergers and Non-Verbal LD.

Edited to add: based upon what you said about the testing conditions - it is possible (likely?) that these scores are not accurate. I wouldn't make any decisions on her intelligence based on this one test on one day while it sounds like your daughter was under a lot of stress.

- Sky

Last edited by skysunsea; 05/07/13 05:37 PM.