So my 3rd grader told me that his teacher said that he was a very rude boy. I asked him what he was doing when she said this. He said he was talking when she was giving out the classroom jobs. I asked what did she say exactly. Did she say that what you were doing was rude? Did she tell you that it's rude to talk when the teacher is talking? He said, "no, she said I was a very rude boy." I asked him if he thought he was a rude boy and he said "No, I don't think so, at least I don't want to be."

I find this comment very upsetting, but maybe I'm overreacting? It's not even so much the comment itself, but the significant degree of frustration with him that it suggests. This, coupled with the incredibly negative comments in his midquarter grade sheet, makes me really glad that school is almost done. But, I am not sure what to do about this. I feel like I should say something to her (but probably NOT any of the things I am thinking right now!).