So in addition to my concerns about my oldest, I also have concerns about ds2 who is in 1st grade. He is a young first grader, will turn 7 at the end of this month. He is my go along and get along kid. Significantly fewer social and behavioral issues than ds1 and very easily blends into the crowd. Teachers tend to love him because he can be quite adorable (and he knows it), but he is, I believe, a hider. I have challenged him on this a few times and he is starting to come around. But I am concerned that his abilities will be missed at school. In fact, I believe he spends a significant amount of time and energy into coming up with wrong answers (more than it would take to get the right answers). He will act like he doesn't understand the question or that he doesn't know how to figure out the answer, when I know that he does. He gets outraged if I suggest that he is not being truthful and insists that he doesn't know how to do it. There is the possibility that he doesn't (maybe I am just wrong about this?!) so I feel bad if I tell him that I don't believe him. On the other hand, he was receiving extra services in reading for a while because he blew the timed assessments, until his teacher finally told the reading specialist that he didn't need it.
I'd like to get him tested, but I worry that he wouldn't cooperate with the tester. Then we'd have an inaccurate IQ test, which would not help at all. Has anyone had a kid like this? Did the cooperate with testing? How do I help he get what he needs out of school if he is hiding his true levels from them? And I just don't understand WHY he does this? It is very frustrating...