My son's spelling test came back with a 0 because he wrote the words on every other line and when he ran out of room, he went back to the empty lines and filled them in. Basically, the words were out of order from how the test was given. She wrote "this is not acceptable!" And slapped a zero on it even though he only missed one word. Huh?

I'm fairly sure he was not trying to be cute or silly, it just seemed logical to him when he realized he wouldn't be able to fit all the words on one side of the paper (there were twice as many words because they are doing singular and plural).

I honestly think she is a little frustrated by him as his behavior has regressed some. We are still waiting on an eval by an OT and then likely vision therapy.

I'm not really good with this kind of thing yet. I'm not happy about it but does the teacher have a leg to stand on here or is she over the top?

Mom to 2 kiddos - DS 9 with SPD and visual processing issues and DD 6 who is NT