In a nutshell: DS was labeled "average" since the beginning of the year by his teacher. We always knew that, at minimum, he was above average. When the teacher finally told us that DS was below average in reading last quarter, we decided to have DS tested. His results came back PG. before she got the results of his IQ test, she was always very sweet and accessible to us. She has since become hostile to us...every question is met with a sigh and a dismissal of our concerns. I don't know how to relate to her anymore. We have been supportive and patient parents all year...always helping out with supplies, field trips, etc. We do need information from her and some cooperation. How do I work with her? Also, how do I keep her from sabotaging DS application for a new gifted program in our county? She openly disagrees with factual data ex. she told us that "lots of kids are good guessers, that's why DS did so well on such and such". She still contends that he is "average" ability and requires no interventions.