I am hesitant to write this, but do want some feedback please.

Ds6 is in k and it's been awful. So, we have sought outside testing with a neuropsychologist. She is done "testing", but is going to see him again for more psych info- he refuses to talk about school with her. (Btw, I have no results from testing yet. Has given some feedback- thinks acedemically late 2nd- 3rd level, did "very, very well" on testing, and definitely has vision issue and may need vision therapy.)

The tester had us fill out many development/ behavioral assessments. I did note that in the last month, ds has told me 4-5 times that he wants to die (just wrote it on the worksheet we were given.) It is very worrisome for me to hear him tell me this. I told dh who thinks ds doesn't understand what he's saying, but I think he does. Ds will not give me a reason why. He just says, "I just do." He has told me that he "knows that I could never see him again, but he could still see me- as an angel".

He is not acting overly depressed. His is very active, engaged with family including younger brother. He does play with kids, but he has felt like he has had a hard time this year with friends. He is trying really hard to fit in at school even if the kids are mean to him.

I guess what I'm asking is should I point these comments about wanting to die out again to the neuropsychologist, so it can be looked into when ds is seen again? Or do I leave it alone, because I put it on the worksheet? I didn't realize a kindergartener could feel this way. Yet, I don't want to make an issue if there's not one. I did think about mentioning it to school psych, but for some reason my ds doesn't like her.

Thoughts? Thanks in advance.