My DD6 is creative, and great with the big picture, understanding concepts, problem solving and timed math drills (completing them four times faster than the goal time and is highly accurate with these), but she is making careless errors on important math tests beyond her grade and in daily writing.

In math, she understands concepts very easily and that is clear, but she skips problems (not ones she doesn't understand), forgets to label (as in writing 27 as an answer not 27 inches and that gets marked wrong), or other minor, but costly errors.

In writing, she is highly creative and a good speller but she throws in uppercase letters in the middle of sentences etc. and forgets punctuation.

These types of mistakes bother and confound her teacher and affect my DD'S grade and may affect gifted programming.

I do not know how to help my DD6 be more careful, check work, and just do better on details all around. She has been reminded on the same things for two years.

When she has reading testing, it is extremely high, at least fifth grade, and as I said, her writing is very creative and she writes little books all the time. She is given math one year ahead and gets 100% on grade level math tests, but an important placement test, the amount of careless errors were shocking to me. All of the math was fairly easy and below her level that she could do at home. I don't think it was that it was too easy that she tuned out because she was flawless at the grade level. I do wonder if they gave her the advanced test right after pages and pages of the grade level one and she was just done.

She has had trouble in the classroom with kids acting out and a punitive teacher (she is never in trouble but gets upset when kids are harshly reprimanded) so this may play into things, but she has always been great with the big picture and spotty with the small stuff. Is there anything I can do to help her be more detail oriented so it isn't used against her?