I gave my sons report to his new teacher at the end of last year. He has an IQ of 158 and no weaknesses or 2E issues. In the report it clearly stated the need for an IEP. I waited to the PT interview - nothing except very bright but needs to work on his writing (not handwriting, creative writing). I waited some more, today I requested an IEP in writing as we are one week of 1/4 way through the year.

The answer. All children receive I individual instruction, IEPs only for kids with disabilities (not TRUE) except one in the school (if so i know the one but her mum thinks there are others).
I can take it up with the management if i have a problem.

He is willing to give my son really hard maths homework - said in a way that left me no doubt it would be the other extreme of what it is now.

I said it was getting harder to get him to school. He said some kids are just like that and it doesn't mean anything. I said in my case and my sons fathers case it did mean something and I wasn't going to allow my son have the experience I did and develop depression by early teens. He said not to put my problems on my son and schools were different now.

I didn't point out that my 18 year old brother (26 years younger) had much the same experience and last seen was unemployed, homeless, depressed and on drugs. And other members of the family have had the same experiences