Originally Posted by Ultralight Hiker
Almost every book or web page on gifted kids mentions telescoping -- compressing 2+ years of a subject into a shorter time span. Really, I think that is what my DS7 needs -- grade 5 and 6 math in one year.

Our district actually offers a track that telescopes three years into two for a few years of their math sequence. It's very good.

The problem we have found is that if you're trying to telescope within the context of a regular classroom, with no extra teacher available, it may start well but end as nothing. There was a year where DS got practically no math because the intent was to differentiate, but they had no staff-- they just handed him a workbook, and that wasn't going to do it. Even well-intentioned teachers often have trouble sustaining this kind of program.

If you're doing it as HSing or afterschooling, it should not be hard to manage.