She does not leave any of her service providers (OT, speech or spec ed) with these complaints - only her regular classroom.

At a minimum we have already shown a need for a full time para (she currently has one 19 hours per week) and an iPad.

One of my kids has dysgraphia (though not as severe as your DD's). I understand how frustrating these disabilities can be and how they can get in the way of progress.

That said, and I expect I'll get reamed for this, you seem to be asking for an awful lot. A full-time aide, at a minimum, for your daughter? Plus an iPad? On top of other services?

Maybe I've misunderstood here. Maybe the paraeducator is helping generally in the classroom and isn't focused mainly or exclusively on your DD. If so, I'll back off from my opinion, but honestly, have you considered what all these services are costing the school district, and how they may be taking things away from other kids? Is it possible that they're pushing back because their budget is being strained?

Yes, I know your DD needs help, and I know she has a right to it. But don't there have to be limits? I mean, I would really love to have all this for all of my kids, and we all know that HG+ kids have very special needs, as do kids with disabilities. But there has to be a limit.

In writing this message, I'm thinking not just of your situation, but of countless others just like it around the country, where school districts spend (? hundreds of?) millions of dollars on special ed services for a very small number of kids and force sacrifices on others. Schools don't have an infinite amount of money.

Yes, I agree that there is a lot of administrative waste, etc. in schools. I am always complaining about how schools mis-spend their money. I also understand that her teachers may not fully understand how to help her.

But a full-time paraeducator costs around $25,000 per year. For one student? Plus OT, speech, special ed, and an iPad? Again, I know I won't be very popular here for saying this, but to me at least, with an aide for 19 hours a week (out of what, 30 hours of classroom time? Less when you consider PE and non-academic subjects?), it sounds like your daughter is already getting a lot.

Last edited by Val; 04/01/13 09:58 AM.