Originally Posted by Cricket2
Originally Posted by polarbear
Originally Posted by Pru
How does it work for children who prep but truly aren't that high on the IQ scale once they land a seat in these schools? I guess their parents just prep them for the school tests the same way.
Soooo.. what happened to those kids? Within a few years of entering in K-1, most of them either left the program voluntarily because it was difficult for them, or they were asked to leave. The program doesn't test every child every year, but they reserve the right to retest (IQ and achievement) at any point in time), and basically the kids who didn't really truly meet the program's high ability bar showed up as kids not able to keep up or somewhat different than classmates in ability, and they were retested and asked to leave.
We've kind of found the opposite where I live. So many of the kids in our GT classes and programs don't really meet the qualifications that the programs and classes themselves, for the most part, have just changed to fit better for the demographics of who is in them. For instance, for kids who didn't hit the 95th percentile in one area (ability & achievement) piece on the first go round, many were retested until they did often with prep and others were let in anyway with just achievement and some other supporting piece like behavioral characteristics of giftedness or something else subjective. The outcome is that we have no programming for gifted or certainly HG+ kids. It makes it such that even MG kids benefit from acceleration beyond GT like subject acceleration and sometimes grade skips.

I'm afraid this is the case here too...