8yo DD attends a decent public school in our neighborhood. She's very happy there and has never complained of boredom. In fact, she will often state that math is "too hard", or other assignments are "hard". Yesterday her class was asked to read a poem then answer questions. She told me her teacher made her start over because her writing was too tiny and basically illegible. DD said the questions were hard for her, but when she recounted them they were not hard at all...

This is a child who gets only A's and whose GAI is >99.9% on the WISC IV. What is going on with her? Is she really finding the work hard, or is something else at play? Do we leave her in her school where she appears quite happy overall, or should we move her to a gifted program?

She is obviously extremely bright but perhaps not always self-motivated. She has also said at times that very few kids "get" her, though she does have friends. What would you do with a child like this? She appears to be happy but maybe we're missing something?

Really hoping for some feedback. Thank you,