Thank you for your feedback! The psychologist thinks he might have ADD, but i's hard for me to wrap my head around that since he focuses *so intensely* on things he's interested in. We've been waiting all school year for him to be tested at our local teaching hospital where insurance will pay. His occupational therapist and pediatrician say that he has sensory processing disorder that affects his motor skills--in particular his handwriting. But, sensory processing isn't a diagnosis that is accepted by the school district. We're hoping the additional testing will help clear up that part of the picture.

I appealed the talented and gifted decision, pointing out that the official policy is for them to accept WISC full-scale IQ scores from outside sources as long as they're no more than 2 years old. It has been very interesting to hear that many kids that score high on the WISC don't do as well on the Cogat.