I'd be interested to hear if anyone has any advice about the NYC G&T schools and if they're appropriate for HG/PG kids. We don't live near any city-wide schools. The district-wide schools accept the top10%, so I'm kind of doubting that they would be a good fit for my DD, but I really don't know. She is in a "good" private school right now. She is only 4 and we haven't done any testing yet. She is reading at about a 4th grade level. She learns and teaches me things she reads, especially science topics. She discovered multiplication a few months ago. We just signed up for dreambox, and in less than a week, she has completed K and is 1/3 done with grade 1. I don't know when her progress will slow down with the program. She is not way ahead with writing. She hates sounding out words; she just wants to spell correctly. She is probably about middle to end grade K or early grade 1 with writing. Her handwriting is not fabulous either. There are several HG/PG people in our family (all those who have been tested have scored in this range), and she is way ahead of where they were at this age.

We're thinking testing at this point would be a good idea.

Any advice out there? Any social or support groups you know of? Friends for DD would be awesome. I don't want to be too specific here about our exact location, but PM me if it would be relevant.

Thank you!